Let’s say that we grouped all fishes (the jawless fish, cartilaginous fish, and bony fish) into one taxonomic group known as “the fishes” because of their similarities, excluding all other animals. What type of grouping would this group be?
What should educators ask themselves when considering cooper…
What should educators ask themselves when considering cooperative teaching arrangements?
Before beginning a unit of study about ancient Rome in a ten…
Before beginning a unit of study about ancient Rome in a tenth-grade world history class, the teacher leads the students through a brainstorming session to create a concept map about everything they already know about ancient Rome. What is the purpose of his instructional strategy?
What is the term that describes an educational climate in wh…
What is the term that describes an educational climate in which the cultural background of each student is valued, perceived in a positive light, and used to develop effective instruction?
Behavior management is one of the most challenging and time-…
Behavior management is one of the most challenging and time-consuming responsibilities that teachers face. Which of the following is an important guideline for developing a behavior management plan in the classroom?
Match the subject area with an effective teaching strategy f…
Match the subject area with an effective teaching strategy for that area.
What is the term that describes an educational climate in wh…
What is the term that describes an educational climate in which the cultural background of each student is valued, perceived in a positive light, and used to develop effective instruction?
A strong internal locus of control allows students to practi…
A strong internal locus of control allows students to practice ______________, an important accomplishment for responsible behavior.
Match the subject area with an effective teaching strategy f…
Match the subject area with an effective teaching strategy for that area.
Why is it important for students to practice self-monitoring…
Why is it important for students to practice self-monitoring and self-assessment?