Answer any one of the following. This is worth half of the t…

Answer any one of the following. This is worth half of the total points for the exam.  1) Is Hinduism a good religion for women?  2) Is Buddhism a religion or a philosophy?  3) What are the main similarities and differences between the Analects of Confucius and the Dao De Jing?  4) Did Jesus have a political message?  5) Judaism and Islam are both religions that can be traced back to nomadic societies. In what ways has this affected each religion? 

Suppose we have two String objects and treat the characters…

Suppose we have two String objects and treat the characters in each string from beginning to end in the following way: With one string, we push each character on a stack. With the other string, we add each character to a queue. After processing both strings, we then pop one character from the stack and remove one character from the queue, and compare the pair of characters to each other. We do this until the stack and the queue are both empty. What does it mean if all the character pairs match?