If we wish for our students to the work of artists, we must offer them the opportunity to behave as artists, ______ as artists, and perform as artists.
Anything that can be drawn can be stitched.
Anything that can be drawn can be stitched.
The most common art assessment is a _________.
The most common art assessment is a _________.
TAB curriculum is intentionally generalized to allow for sig…
TAB curriculum is intentionally generalized to allow for significant choice while meeting _____________.
Reward systems are time consuming and teach children to work…
Reward systems are time consuming and teach children to work for the prize and not for the satisfaction in their own ___________.
In chapter 3 the author states that one of her friends compa…
In chapter 3 the author states that one of her friends compared a choice-based classroom to what?
The TAB classroom is rarely __________.
The TAB classroom is rarely __________.
Prizes and competitions are a good ways to get student invol…
Prizes and competitions are a good ways to get student involved in the art exhibit.
The real issue for teachers is not assessment but the manage…
The real issue for teachers is not assessment but the management of ________ in the busy art room.
Whether you take notes in your grade book, on your laptop, o…
Whether you take notes in your grade book, on your laptop, or reflect in a journal, these forms of documentation provide valuable testimony to the power of _________ learning.