Juan is a chemical engineer at Blue Whale Chemicals. He is t…

Juan is a chemical engineer at Blue Whale Chemicals. He is the only Hispanic employee in his department. He is terminated after 10 months on the job based on poor performance. According to his supervisor, Juan continued to be the least productive employee in the department in spite of frequent feedback and training given to him. Juan believes he has a good claim for discrimination because he was the only Hispanic in the department. Which of the following holds true in this scenario?

Mary was employed at Badger Industries, Inc. as an associate…

Mary was employed at Badger Industries, Inc. as an associate manager in the purchasing department. Prior to the arrival of her new supervisor, she received the highest employee rating on her yearly evaluation. Her new supervisor, Bob, was overheard saying that he did not believe women were smart enough to manage a department. Mary was fired for poor work performance six months later. If she wins her claim for gender discrimination, which of the following will Mary be entitled to?

Bob, the branch manager at Plano Bank, hires Mary as a telle…

Bob, the branch manager at Plano Bank, hires Mary as a teller. A few months later, he urges her to engage in some sexual activity with him in return for a promotion to the post of senior teller. Fearful about losing her job, Mary agrees. After a year of an intermittent sexual relationship with him, she tells him that the relationship is over. When she applies for the job of assistant branch manager, Bob selects another employee in the branch with less experience for the job. In spite of the bank’s well-developed sexual harassment policy, which requires complaints of sexual harassment be made to the human resources department, Mary files a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Which of the following holds true in this case?

A person using the name “Bob” was hired by the accounting de…

A person using the name “Bob” was hired by the accounting department at Python Company, Inc. Bob underwent sex reassignment surgery, after which he/she preferred the name “Bobbie.” The company terminated Bob/Bobbie for being transgender. Which of the following statements is true in this situation?