John records that when Peter refused to allow Jesus to wash his feet, Jesus told him, “if I do not wash you, you have _________.
John records that Pilate had an inscription nailed to the cr…
John records that Pilate had an inscription nailed to the cross written in Hebrew, ___________________.
Some have suggested that the purpose for Mark’s very human p…
Some have suggested that the purpose for Mark’s very human portrait of Jesus was intended to correct the heresy of ________________ which denied the humanity of Jesus.
Coming down from the mountain of the transfiguration, accord…
Coming down from the mountain of the transfiguration, according to Matthew, Jesus told his disciples, “tell the vision to no one until the Son of Man has ________________.”
Mark’s resurrection account is one of the most _____________…
Mark’s resurrection account is one of the most _________________ parts of the Gospel.
The term ______________ identifies those in the church who r…
The term ______________ identifies those in the church who reject the Old Testament Law altogether.
Some have suggested that the purpose for Mark’s very human p…
Some have suggested that the purpose for Mark’s very human portrait of Jesus was intended to correct the heresy of ________________ which denied the humanity of Jesus.
John records that Pilate had an inscription nailed to the cr…
John records that Pilate had an inscription nailed to the cross written in Hebrew, ___________________.
The term ______________ identifies those in the church who r…
The term ______________ identifies those in the church who reject the Old Testament Law altogether.
Mark’s resurrection account is one of the most _____________…
Mark’s resurrection account is one of the most _________________ parts of the Gospel.