In the Last Supper Jesus speaks of the _________________ which will bring forgiveness of sins and personal knowledge of God.
The historian’s role in researching miracles is the find out…
The historian’s role in researching miracles is the find out _______________ , not to assume what could or could not have happened.
While a parable may teach several related truths, all of the…
While a parable may teach several related truths, all of these will normally relate to one ______________________.
Only Luke records the resurrection appearance to the discipl…
Only Luke records the resurrection appearance to the disciples on the road to _____________ and represents his most theologically significant contribution to the resurrection narratives.
The central Christological theme of the Passover narrative i…
The central Christological theme of the Passover narrative in Luke is Jesus’ ______________.
Speaking about the resurrection of the dead, Jesus quotes Go…
Speaking about the resurrection of the dead, Jesus quotes God as saying, “He is not the God of the dead but of the ___________.”
The central Christological theme of the Passover narrative i…
The central Christological theme of the Passover narrative in Luke is Jesus’ ______________.
Speaking about the resurrection of the dead, Jesus quotes Go…
Speaking about the resurrection of the dead, Jesus quotes God as saying, “He is not the God of the dead but of the ___________.”
Jesus is never depicted elsewhere in the Gospels as riding a…
Jesus is never depicted elsewhere in the Gospels as riding an animal.
The titulus or nameplate placed on Jesus’ cross announcing h…
The titulus or nameplate placed on Jesus’ cross announcing his offense as ________________ is doubted by few.