Though Josephus spoke of a variety of prophets who arose during the first century John the Baptist’s message of the Coming One who would soon follow was ________________.
Evidence suggests that Jesus viewed his exorcisms as a spiri…
Evidence suggests that Jesus viewed his exorcisms as a spiritual assault on the dominion of ___________ by the kingdom of God.
Evidence suggests that Jesus viewed his exorcisms as a spiri…
Evidence suggests that Jesus viewed his exorcisms as a spiritual assault on the dominion of ___________ by the kingdom of God.
After Jesus cleansed the Temple and began healing people, __…
After Jesus cleansed the Temple and began healing people, _____________ were crying out in the Temple “hosanna to the Son of David.”
After Jesus cleansed the Temple and began healing people, __…
After Jesus cleansed the Temple and began healing people, _____________ were crying out in the Temple “hosanna to the Son of David.”
Many of Luke’s stories and parables included in Jesus’ journ…
Many of Luke’s stories and parables included in Jesus’ journey Jerusalem are concerned with God’s special care for the poor and outcasts causing this section to be called the _______________.
The _____________ of Matthew and Luke are selective introduc…
The _____________ of Matthew and Luke are selective introductions preparing the reader for what follows.
In the passion narrative, only Luke records Jesus’ appearanc…
In the passion narrative, only Luke records Jesus’ appearance before _________.
The _____________ of Matthew and Luke are selective introduc…
The _____________ of Matthew and Luke are selective introductions preparing the reader for what follows.
The coming of the ____________ is for Luke the key sign of t…
The coming of the ____________ is for Luke the key sign of the dawn of eschatological salvation.