Vignette #1 Suzanne and Bob have noticed that Kelly, their 1…

Vignette #1 Suzanne and Bob have noticed that Kelly, their 16-year-old daughter, has been losing weight lately. She exercises at the gym almost 4 hours a day and seems to be skipping meals. They discuss this with Kelly at the dinner table, but she says there is no problem and urges them to stop worrying. Before taking drastic steps, Suzanne and Bob call their pediatrician. They discuss what has been going on with Kelly and begin to gather facts concerning disordered eating. Let’s see how much they have learned by answering these questions. Kelly’s parents suspect she is purging as a means of maintaining her weight. What complication may occur as a result?

Vignette Donna is a 22-year-old college student on the tenni…

Vignette Donna is a 22-year-old college student on the tennis team. She prides herself on staying in shape but often eats empty-calorie meals when she is in a rush. She knows that some family members have had different kinds of cancer and is curious to find out what steps, if any, she can reduce her risks. She visits a reputable site on the Internet and gleans several useful suggestions that she plans on implementing. Let’s see if you agree with her new found information. Donna can lower her risk of skin cancer by consuming foods high in beta-carotene such as _____.