Ted changed his eating habits to lose weight 2 months ago. Y…

Ted changed his eating habits to lose weight 2 months ago. Yesterday, he bought a gallon of cherry ice cream because it was on sale and he needed a dessert to take to a family party next week, but then couldn’t resist eating two bowls of it last night. Ted is very upset that he has “blown it” and reverted to his former overeating. What should he do now?

Vignette #1 Carly is an overweight 21-year-old who is commit…

Vignette #1 Carly is an overweight 21-year-old who is committed to good health after taking a nutrition course. She realizes that being a savvy shopper is part of the process and decides to learn how to look more critically at food labels. She picks up two different boxes of ready-to-eat breakfast cereal and sees the food labels shown in Figure 1. Help Carly evaluate these two breakfast cereals. ​ Carly decides to eat three-fourths of a cup of cereal #1 with three-fourths cup of fortified skim milk. Based on a 2,000-calorie diet, what percent of calories of carbohydrates will she consume?