Vignette #2 Maggie is a 34-year-old mother of two children….

Vignette #2 Maggie is a 34-year-old mother of two children. She was told by her physician that she needs her gallbladder removed. Maggie panics and calls her mother saying, “Mom, I can’t believe this!!! How am I going to live without my gallbladder? You have to have a gallbladder to survive, and the doctor wants to remove it!” Her mother tells her to calm down and that an individual cannot live without a liver but can live without a gallbladder, After Maggie’s gallbladder has been removed, what nutrient might she have difficulty digesting?

Vignette #1 Carly is an overweight 21-year-old who is commit…

Vignette #1 Carly is an overweight 21-year-old who is committed to good health after taking a nutrition course. She realizes that being a savvy shopper is part of the process and decides to learn how to look more critically at food labels. She picks up two different boxes of ready-to-eat breakfast cereal and sees the food labels shown in Figure 1. Help Carly evaluate these two breakfast cereals. ​ What percentage of calories from fat does one serving of cereal #1 (without milk) have?