This device allows officers to inexpensively conduct sobriety checks in the field. This lightweight, handheld binocular-type instrument measures presumptive signs of alcohol, drugs, inhalants, or even fatigue in a suspect.
Fires are classified as all but which of the following?
Fires are classified as all but which of the following?
Why would clothing and disguises discarded by the robber upo…
Why would clothing and disguises discarded by the robber upon leaving the scene be valuable evidence if discovered?
Making a legal arrest, gaining information for warrants, or…
Making a legal arrest, gaining information for warrants, or even preventing crime can all be the result of
The criminal or noncriminal, felonious or nonfelonious takin…
The criminal or noncriminal, felonious or nonfelonious taking of life by another human or by an agency, such as a government is called
Which of the following is not one of the four common types o…
Which of the following is not one of the four common types of chemical weapons?
When officers testify, it is advisable for them to admit
When officers testify, it is advisable for them to admit
The primary motive for all types of larceny is usually
The primary motive for all types of larceny is usually
When officers testify, it is advisable for them to admit
When officers testify, it is advisable for them to admit
In the DEA smuggling case United States v. Weaver (1992), wh…
In the DEA smuggling case United States v. Weaver (1992), what did the court rule?