A patient working at an ice plant is trapped in a room fille…

A patient working at an ice plant is trapped in a room filled with sulfur dioxide. You don a self-contained breathing apparatus and entered the room, finding the patient unresponsive on the floor. The room remains filled with the gas. Your immediate priority in caring for this patient is to:

An alert and oriented 18-year-old female has threatened to h…

An alert and oriented 18-year-old female has threatened to hurt herself, but is refusing transport to the hospital. She is calm and states that she knows her rights and taking her would constitute false imprisonment. Her family is present and wants her to go to the hospital for help. Given the situation and the patient’s threat, what is your best course of action?

A young female patient, who is allergic to peanuts, was just…

A young female patient, who is allergic to peanuts, was just exposed to peanut butter. Assessment reveals her to be alert and oriented with swollen lips and hives on her face. She is breathing adequately at a rate of 18 breaths per minute and has a heart rate of 82. Your partner advises you that her blood pressure is 118/72 mmHg and room air SpO2 92%. She states that she also has asthma for which she uses an inhaler. Of the following, what would you do first?