SECTION C: ESSAY QUESTIONS Answer only ONE of the TWO essay questions. NUMBER your work clearly and as it appears in the question paper. QUESTION 5: (BUSINESS OPERATIONS) ZAMBA LTD. (ZB) Zamba Ltd. (ZB) lost customers due to the poor quality of their products. Their management does not know how to implement total quality management (TQM to ensure the continuous provision of quality products and services to their customers. Consider the statement above and give a detailed description of the following aspects: o Explain the negative impact on ZB if TQM is poorly implemented. o Discuss the benefits of a good quality management system. o Evaluate the impact of the following TQM elements on ZB: · Total customer / customer satisfaction · Continuous skills development / Education and training o Give ZB advice on how they can apply the PDCA model / cycle to improve the quality of their products. (40) OR
ANSWER SECTION C HERE. Answer any ONE of the TWO questions….
ANSWER SECTION C HERE. Answer any ONE of the TWO questions. Answer the question here from the above questions (QUESTIONS 5 OR 6) below. Make sure you indicate the question number you have chosen to answer.
1.1.4 The process of matching a new employee’s skills and…
1.1.4 The process of matching a new employee’s skills and abilities to the requirements of a job: (2)
QUESTION 3: (BUSINESS OPERATIONS) Answer the following q…
QUESTION 3: (BUSINESS OPERATIONS) Answer the following questions thoroughly, please number according to numbers in the question paper and write point by point. 3.1 Read the case study below and answer the questions that follow: KL ENGINE MANUFACTURERS (KLMV) Johan was recently appointed to the production department. According to business policy, Johan must go through an induction program of two weeks before he can be placed. 3.1 Name FOUR aspects that can be included in an induction program. (4) 3.2 Explain screening as part of the selection procedure. (8) 3.3 Give reasonable reasons for terminating an employment contract. (6) 3.4 Read the scenario below and answer the questions that follow: MANDY SHOE FACTORY (MSF) Mandy Shoe Factory bought raw materials from Simba Suppliers that did not deliver on time. This caused delays in the manufacturing process. MSF is concerned about their productivity levels. 3.4.1 Identify TWO business functions that are directly affected by the challenges in the scenario above. Advise MSF on the quality indicators for EACH business function identified. Use the table below to answer the above question. BUSINESS FUNCTIONS: QUALITY INDICATORS: (2×4) 3.4.2 Explain the differences between quality control and quality assurance. Use the table below to answer the above question. Quality control Quality assurance (8) 3.4.3 Advise businesses on the role of quality circles in improving the quality of their products and services. (6) TOTAL QUESTION 3 [40] OR
1.2.4 The production manager can not find suppliers of qua…
1.2.4 The production manager can not find suppliers of quality raw materials. This is a challenge in the…. business environment. (2)
SECTION B: CONTEXTUAL QUESTIONS Answer TWO of the THREE questions, CLEARLY NUMBER YOUR QUESTIONS QUESTION 2: (BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT) Answer the following questions thoroughly, please number according to numbers in the question paper and write point by point. 2.1 Read the case study below and answer the questions that follow. BLOU BANK Blou Bank was recently fined R30 million by the NCR for the reckless granting of loans to customers who do not qualify for a loan. The bank did not properly assess the creditworthiness of the customers, which resulted in some customers not being able to repay their loans and yet getting deeper into debt. The NCR has ordered the bank to write off the debts from loans that were granted recklessly. 2.1.1 Identify the Act in question in the above case study. (2) 2.1.2 Discuss the consequences that Blue Bank may face for the reckless granting of loans. (6) 2.1.3 Analyse the positive impact of the Act identified in QUESTION 2.1.1 on. (4) 2.2 Strategic management is a process that ensures that appropriate business strategies are developed and implemented in response to challenges in the business environment. 2.2.1 Explain the term strategy. (2) 2.2.2 Motivate how each of the THREE diversification strategies can be implemented. (3×3) 2.3 Read the following scenario and answer the questions that follow: OCEAN VIEW HOTEL (OVH) The management of Ocean View Hotel wants to improve their strategic management process. They conducted an environmental analysis and identified the following challenges: OVH is located in an area where the unemployment rate is high. The new Uitsig Hotel’s prices for similar services are lower than OVH’s prices. Many workers are late for work and do not meet their daily obligations. 2.3.1 Name THREE types of business environments and classify each challenge from the scenario above under their specific environments. Also name the degree of control that businesses have over EACH environment. Copy the table below into the ANSWER BLOCK to answer the question. BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT: CHALLENGE: DEGREE OF CONTROL: (9) 2.3.2 Recommend ways in which the business can comply with the Employment Equity Act (EEA), 1998 (Act 55 of 1998). (8) TOTAL QUESTION 2 [40] OR
1.2.3 Business operations meet the required standards by ….
1.2.3 Business operations meet the required standards by … (2)
1.2.2 An employee submits a… through a formal, written com…
1.2.2 An employee submits a… through a formal, written complaint to senior management. (2)
QUESTION 1.2 CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER: Complete the following statements using the words in the list below. Choose only the correct word and type it in the space provided in your ANSWER BLOCK. Market, dispute, public relations, time related, market development, induction, backward integration, grievance, quality management, piecework, micro, National Skills 1.2.1 The… development strategy directs the responsibilities of role players in education and training in South Africa (2)
ANSWER SECTION B HERE.Answer any TWO of the THREE questions….
ANSWER SECTION B HERE.Answer any TWO of the THREE questions. Answer your SECOND choice here from the above questions (QUESTIONS 2, 3 OR 4) below. Make sure you indicate the question number you have chosen to answer.