In chapter 1 of the Northouse textbook, John Kotter provides…

In chapter 1 of the Northouse textbook, John Kotter provides a basic definition of Management Activities and Leadership Activities. In his description, Kotter states that Leadership Activities are more important to the success of organizations than Management Activities.

*****ANSWER ONE ESSAY ONLY!*****   Option 1: You are one mo…

*****ANSWER ONE ESSAY ONLY!*****   Option 1: You are one month into a new job (your 2nd job after graduating from UF two years ago). You stayed in your 1st job for 3 years and have received your 1st big promotion within the same company. As an aspiring Emergent Leader, you must be fully cognizant of the environment around you in relation to your Assigned Leader and your peer group. Your Assigned leader is a High EQ leader who is aspiring to be a Team Leader (on the Blake & Mouton Leadership Grid), who leans more toward Concern for People (9) versus Concern for Results (5). Your peer group is a mix of new employees and established employees at various levels of expert and referent power. It is a collaborative group, but there is some level of competitive forces at play with about 1/3 of the peer group, most notably with another new employee to the team (just like you) that also wants to stand out.  Describe how you will use your Personal Power to build credibility with both your Assigned Leader and your peer group simultaneously. Please do the following to answer this question (must answer each section below to get full credit): a.   List each of the sources of power, and categorize them into the two bases of power b.   Define (in specific detail) your path to becoming an Emergent Leader Your plan with the Assigned Leader Your plan with the peer group How long do you expect it will take to become the Emergent Leader c.   Define at least (1) specific impediment to becoming the Emergent Leader, and how you successfully navigated through it d.   What is your most important priority after becoming the Emergent Leader, with your Assigned Leader AND with your peer group   NOTE: to get full credit, be creative & detailed w/ the scenario. Make it real/applied   ===================================================================   Option 2: Over the course of your 1st 6 years of your career, you encounter three different bosses with the following Leadership Styles: Team Leader, Country Club & Middle of the Road. Please do the following to answer this question (must answer each section below in detail to earn full credit): a.    Provide a definition for each (of the three) leadership styles above b.    Order them chronologically in your choice (ex, my 1st boss was a Middle of the Road leader, my 2nd boss was a Country Club leader, my current boss is a Team Leader) c.    Create a story around how you found success with each of these bosses that enabled you to maximize your productivity (and your sanity). I want a specific strategy – what did you do to make this relationship work for you (and for your boss). Make it real – create a specific scenario that you could actually see unfolding (be sure to define what industry, company, your role, how long you were with each leader, etc). d.    Explain how this experience helped shape your own journey in terms of the Leadership Style Grid. Where did you start six years ago, where are you now, where will you be in five more years? Be specific and tie it back to what you experienced and learned from your time with each leader (about them and about you).   NOTE: to get full credit, be creative & detailed w/ the scenario. Make it real/applied

Your client states, “I feel tired all of the time.”  Her lun…

Your client states, “I feel tired all of the time.”  Her lungs are clear, and she becomes short of breath after walking 20 feet. Her heart rate also increases to 120 beats per minute after walking 10 feet or more and she is anemic (hemoglobin 6).  Which of the following nursing diagnoses best matches the data above?