One of these differences in civil law and criminal law is th…

One of these differences in civil law and criminal law is the basis of what is being tried.  In civil law  the court makes determinations regarding the issues involved in the case and providing the proper remedy to the situation.  In criminal law the court makes determinations regarding the guilt or innocence of the accused and:  

As we discussed common law and stability in judicial decisio…

As we discussed common law and stability in judicial decisions part of our discussion concerned the need for predictability and stability, but also balancing that with the need for the law to change with the changes in society.  One of the greatest case examples of this principle is the change in the case of Plessy v. Ferguson .  In the early 1950′ s the U.S. Supreme Court decision in _______________________ overturned the earlier decision in  Plessy v. Ferguson and abolished this doctrine finding it to be inherently unequal.