When massage is used to reduce the symptoms and discomfort of a disease for a terminally ill patient, it is considered__________ care.
The Medical Information Release Form does not allow the ther…
The Medical Information Release Form does not allow the therapist to share information regarding the client’s health (related to the injury) with the ________________.
Lymph ducts are the smallest lymph vessels.
Lymph ducts are the smallest lymph vessels.
Allopathic medicine is another name for hollistic medicine.
Allopathic medicine is another name for hollistic medicine.
Who developed massage and compression treatments for lymphed…
Who developed massage and compression treatments for lymphedema in the late nineteenth century?
To perform lymph massage it is appropriate to use:
To perform lymph massage it is appropriate to use:
To perform lymph massage it is appropriate to use:
To perform lymph massage it is appropriate to use:
Who developed massage and compression treatments for lymphed…
Who developed massage and compression treatments for lymphedema in the late nineteenth century?
Soft tissue manipulation speeds up the recovery process from…
Soft tissue manipulation speeds up the recovery process from trauma.
James Cyriax coined the term “Deep Transverse Friction”.
James Cyriax coined the term “Deep Transverse Friction”.