The development of caravels and later galleons enabled European vessels to essentially become
Under the influence of Erasmus, Sir Thomas More published __…
Under the influence of Erasmus, Sir Thomas More published ___________ in 1516, his famous critique of the culture of his day.
______ was the first European nation to open water routes to…
______ was the first European nation to open water routes to India and beyond, thus dominating the spice trade by the early 1500s.
One factor that slowed the advance of the Renaissance from I…
One factor that slowed the advance of the Renaissance from Italy northward was that in the larger kingdoms and political units of northern Europe
Prior to founding the Society of Jesus, Ignatius Loyola had…
Prior to founding the Society of Jesus, Ignatius Loyola had been
Zwingli’s theology mainly differed from Luther’s in their vi…
Zwingli’s theology mainly differed from Luther’s in their views of
Inspired by the writings of Vitruvius, Renaissance architect…
Inspired by the writings of Vitruvius, Renaissance architects
Four late labs or more (not being submitted on time) will re…
Four late labs or more (not being submitted on time) will result in:
The topic scheduled for the week of March 1-5, 2021 is:
The topic scheduled for the week of March 1-5, 2021 is:
The Reformation changed the role of the family in Protestant…
The Reformation changed the role of the family in Protestant society by