You have a file and you have a driver class named…

You have a file and you have a driver class named Fill in the correct visibility modifiers so that the comments in the main method are upheld.  public class Driver {     public static void main(String[] args) {         Ghost t = new Ghost();         // each of the lines below is run independently        System.out.println(t.age);    // compiles and runs        System.out.println(t.getPower()); // compile error        System.out.println(t.power); // compiles and runs     } }  —— in a separate file in a different package/directory ———  public class Ghost {        1   int age;       2   int power;       3   int getPower() {        return power;     }     /** no-argument constructor implemented **/ }    1  :[vis1]   2  :[vis2]   3  :[vis3]

You have a file and you have a driver class named…

You have a file and you have a driver class named Fill in the correct visibility modifiers so that the comments in the main method are upheld.  public class Driver {     public static void main(String[] args) {         State t = new State();         // each of the lines below is run independently        System.out.println(t.getAveragePopulation()); // compile error System.out.println(t.averagePopulation); // compiles and run System.out.println(t.numCounties);    // compiles and runs     } }  —— in a separate file in a different package/directory ———  public class State {        1   int numCounties;       2   double averagePopulation;       3   double getAveragePopulation() {        return averagePopulation;     }     /** no-argument constructor implemented **/ }    1  :[vis1]   2  :[vis2]   3  :[vis3]

Write 2-3 lines of code to:  Declare a String variable and…

Write 2-3 lines of code to:  Declare a String variable and save your favorite animal in it. Print the value of the variable to the console with a newline character after it.  Make sure to select the ‘Preformatted’ style from the dropdown so your code is formatted clearly. DO NOT USE THE TAB KEY WHEN WRITING CODE AS YOU MAY ACCIDENTALLY SUBMIT YOUR EXAM. USE THE SPACE BAR INSTEAD.

Complete the following code. Make sure to complete the code…

Complete the following code. Make sure to complete the code in such a way that doesn’t invalidate the comments and that no implicit conversions are taking place on assignments of primitive data types. [import]public class Test {    public static void main(String[] args) {       int width;       double area;                // create a keyboard Scanner        Scanner scanner = [init]        // get a double value from the user       area = [double]        // get an integer value from the user       width = [int]       // compute the height       double height = area / width;       // print height to 1 decimal place   [print]    }} 

Convert the following switch statement to an if-else block s…

Convert the following switch statement to an if-else block so the output is the same for all cases. Assume the switch variable is already declared and initialized. Note that some lines may need to be blank, if that is the case and there are multiple lines in the block, the blank line MUST BE THE LAST LINE in the block.  For example (follow this format):   if (a == 10) { sum += 10; //LEAVE BLANK }   Instead of (do NOT do this):   if (a == 10) { //LEAVE BLANK sum += 10; }  Some lines may be used once, never, or multiple times.  switch (doggo) { case ‘r’: System.out.println(“rocko”); case ‘c’: System.out.println(“chispa”); break; default: System.out.println(“nope”); case ‘m’: System.out.println(“moccita”); }     if (1._______________) {  2._______________________ 3._______________________ } else if (4._______________) { System.out.println(“chispa”); } else if (5.________________) {  System.out.println(“moccita”); } else { 6._______________________ 7._______________________     }