emphasizes the following key messages except which of the following:
A sound similar to a murmur that is heard over arteries is a…
A sound similar to a murmur that is heard over arteries is a:
An adult patient presents with the following complaints: Fe…
An adult patient presents with the following complaints: Fever with cough and chest pain; cough that is producing sputum The nurse practitioner notes upon examination the following: Patient appears ill Absent breath sounds No pleural friction is heard Percussion is dull Vocal fremitus is absent What is the most accurate diagnosis for this patient?
Which hormone is known as the “hunger hormone” ?
Which hormone is known as the “hunger hormone” ?
An adolescent patient presents to the clinic complaining of…
An adolescent patient presents to the clinic complaining of chest pain. When asked to describe the pain, the patient states that it worsens with movement, especially when twisting. The patient states that the pain is long lasting, and explains the presence of focal tenderness. What is the most likely cause of this chest pain?
What part of the S.O.A.P Note would a patient’s weight, heig…
What part of the S.O.A.P Note would a patient’s weight, height and body mass index be found?
The nurse practitioner is examining a patient for a wellness…
The nurse practitioner is examining a patient for a wellness examination. During auscultation of heart tones, they are uncertain whether the sound they hear is an S2 split. In order to determine the heart sound, the nurse practitioner should ask the patient to inhale deeply while listening at the…
A 45-year-old presents with the chief complaint of difficult…
A 45-year-old presents with the chief complaint of difficulty breathing. While examining the patient the nurse practitioner notes that the patient has rapid, deep, labored breathing. This pattern of breathing is known as…
A 45-year-old presents with complaints of dull pain between…
A 45-year-old presents with complaints of dull pain between the shoulder blades. The pain is more intense when the patient breathes deep and when coughing. When the nurse practitioner auscultates the lung field they should expect to hear?
The nurse practitioner needs to assess a patient’s jugular v…
The nurse practitioner needs to assess a patient’s jugular veins. What position should the nurse practitioner first place the patient in for an accurate assessment of the jugular veins?