1.6 Watter twee eienskappe van water maak dat water die klimaat reguleer? (2)
1.8 Die gaswet wat die ingeslote volume van ‘n gas tot sy…
1.8 Die gaswet wat die ingeslote volume van ‘n gas tot sy temperatuur (in Kelvin) definieer, mits druk en hoeveelheid gas konstant bly, is: (2)
1.9 What compound represents an alcohol? (2)
1.9 What compound represents an alcohol? (2)
QUESTION 7 Consider the following reaction: 3CU(s) + 8HN…
QUESTION 7 Consider the following reaction: 3CU(s) + 8HNO3(aq)
QUESTION 4 One of the parts obtained from petroleum can…
QUESTION 4 One of the parts obtained from petroleum can be thermally cracked to produce propylene. Some of the reactions of propylene are shown below: Right click on the following blue button to open the images for QUESTION 4, in a new tab. 4.1 Write down the IUPAC name of compound X. (2) 4.2 Give the reaction conditions for reaction 2. (2) 4.3 Give the structural formula of compound Y. (2) 4.4 Identify the type of reaction for reaction 1 and 2. (2) Iso-amyl acetate is the compound responsible for the smell of bananas. The formula is CH3COO(CH2)2CH(CH3)2. 4.5 To which group of organic compounds does iso-amyl acetate belong? (2) 4.6 Give the IUPAC name of iso-amyl acetate. (2) 4.7 Iso-amyl acetate can be made in the laboratory through the reaction of ethanoic acid with an alcohol. Give the IUPAC name of this alcohol. (2) 4.8 Use structural formulas to illustrate the reaction. (5) [19]
QUESTION 3 The relationship between the strength of the…
QUESTION 3 The relationship between the strength of the intermolecular forces and the boiling point of four organic substances is investigated. The organic substances as well as the various boiling points are given in the table below: Right click on the following blue button to open the images for QUESTION 3, in a new tab. 3.1 Define the term “boiling point”. (2) 3.2 Which compound (s) is a liquid at 50 ° C? (1) 3.3 Name the type of intermolecular force found between butane molecules. (1) 3.4 Explain the difference between the boiling points of the following substances by referring to the strength of intermolecular forces, the type of intermolecular forces and / or the structure of molecules as well as the energy. 3.4.1 Pentane and 2-methylbutane (3) 3.4.2 Pentane and 2-methylpropan-2-ol (3) [10]
1.3 Which organic compound is most soluble in water? (2)
1.3 Which organic compound is most soluble in water? (2)
QUESTION 2 Study the organic compounds represented by th…
QUESTION 2 Study the organic compounds represented by the letters A to G in the table below. Right click on the following blue button to open the images for QUESTION 2, in a new tab. Give the LETTER (S) that represents each of the following: (A compound may be used more than once.) 2.1.1 An Alkyl halide (1) 2.1.2 A compound that contains a carboxyl group. (1) 2.1.3 An ester (1) 2.1.4 Two compounds that are functional isomers. (2) 2.1.5 A ketone (1) 2.2 Give the: 2.2.1 Structural formula of compound E. (2) 2.2.2 IUPAC name of compound E. (2) 2.3 Compound G is formed from compound F. 2.3.1 Name the type of reaction that produces compound G. (1) 2.3.2 Give the formula of another compound needed to form compound G from compound F. (1) 2.4 Give the IUPAC names of two compounds that will react to form compound A. (2) 2.5 Define the term “positional isomer”. (2) 2.6 For compound G, give the positional isomer as well as the IUPAC name for isomeric compound. (3) 2.7 Name the homologous series to which compound F belongs. (1) [20]
1.1 The two dots highlighted in blue in the Lewis diagram…
1.1 The two dots highlighted in blue in the Lewis diagram below represent the following type of electrons: Right click on the button below to open the image in a new tab. (2)
1.7 To what volume must 20cm3 of a 10mol.dm-3 potassium hy…
1.7 To what volume must 20cm3 of a 10mol.dm-3 potassium hydroxide solution (KOH) be diluted to obtain a 2mol.dm-3 solution? (2)