AP STYLE, ETC: If the item is correct, answer TRUE; incorrect, answer FALSE (Note: some items are complete sentences; others are not. The non-sentence items are not at the beginning or end of a sentence.) Thirty-six was the age on her application.
Given a choice, readers generally prefer stories: real narra…
Given a choice, readers generally prefer stories: real narrative dramas starring real people.
AP STYLE, ETC: If the item is correct, answer TRUE; incorrec…
AP STYLE, ETC: If the item is correct, answer TRUE; incorrect, answer FALSE (Note: some items are complete sentences; others are not. The non-sentence items are not at the beginning or end of a sentence.) $50,000
Punctuation, especially the exclamation point, can be used t…
Punctuation, especially the exclamation point, can be used to make writing stronger.
AP STYLE, ETC: If the item is correct, answer TRUE; incorrec…
AP STYLE, ETC: If the item is correct, answer TRUE; incorrect, answer FALSE (Note: some items are complete sentences; others are not. The non-sentence items are not at the beginning or end of a sentence.) 5700 feet
AP STYLE, ETC: If the item is correct, answer TRUE; incorrec…
AP STYLE, ETC: If the item is correct, answer TRUE; incorrect, answer FALSE (Note: some items are complete sentences; others are not. The non-sentence items are not at the beginning or end of a sentence.) Mrs. Elizabeth Evans, club president,
The “nut graf” in a story:
The “nut graf” in a story:
Which is NOT a main function of news media?
Which is NOT a main function of news media?
Tom French said he decided at age 10 that he wanted to be a…
Tom French said he decided at age 10 that he wanted to be a writer. He was inspired when his fifth-grade teacher _______________.
AP STYLE, ETC: If the item is correct, answer TRUE; incorrec…
AP STYLE, ETC: If the item is correct, answer TRUE; incorrect, answer FALSE (Note: some items are complete sentences; others are not. The non-sentence items are not at the beginning or end of a sentence.) mayor Ed Foonman