We know, newborn piglets are susceptible to anemia. The reason for this is that the sow milk is usually low in the concentration of the following mineral.(A) Zinc(B) Magnesium (C) Sodium(D) Calcium(E) Iron
Which one of the following life processes has the highest pr…
Which one of the following life processes has the highest priority for animals to use dietary energy?(A) Growth and Development(B) Reproduction(C) Life Maintenance(D) Activities, Work, or Production(E) Lactation
Before formulating a swine diet, swine nutritionists often r…
Before formulating a swine diet, swine nutritionists often refer to an “authoritative” book entitled “Nutrient Requirements of Swine”. The newest version of this book published in 2012 is 11th revised edition. Which organization or authors published this book? (A) NPB(B) 3 “authoritative” professors from 3 different universities(C) NPPC(D) NRC(E) USDA
Ghrelin, produced by ghrelinergic cells in the gastrointesti…
Ghrelin, produced by ghrelinergic cells in the gastrointestinal tract, is called a “hunger hormone” because it acts on the hypothalamic brain cells to increase animal appetite.
Insulin is a peptide hormone, while ghrelin is a steroid hor…
Insulin is a peptide hormone, while ghrelin is a steroid hormone.
An animal body loses water all the time because of the physi…
An animal body loses water all the time because of the physiologically needed process of water turnover. Which one of the following describes the normal animal water losses?(A) Urination (B) Defecation (C) Respiration (D) Perspiration(E) All A, B, C, and D
The exchange of water between extra-cellular and intra-cellu…
The exchange of water between extra-cellular and intra-cellular fluids is realized through one of the following mechanisms.(A) Passive diffusion(B) Facilitated passive transport(C) Facilitated active transport(D) Endocytosis
A healthy human can afford to lose 5% of his/her body water,…
A healthy human can afford to lose 5% of his/her body water, but cannot afford to lose more than 10% of his/her body water.
What body region is labeled 11?
What body region is labeled 11?
What body region is labeled 3?
What body region is labeled 3?