There is a test tube with no label, it can be water, aldehyd…

There is a test tube with no label, it can be water, aldehyde, ketone, or methyl ketone. Using the following test results, label test tube A? Unknown   2,4-DNPH Test      Iodoform Test          Tollen’s Test   A            ____  (-)_______  _____(-)_____           ____(-)______   

There is a test tube with no label, it can be water, aldehyd…

There is a test tube with no label, it can be water, aldehyde, ketone, or methyl ketone. Using the following test results, label test tube A? Unknown   2,4-DNPH Test      Iodoform Test          Tollen’s Test     A          _____(+)____   ______   (-)______       _____  _(+)______    

A female is introduced into the cage of a male at the beginn…

A female is introduced into the cage of a male at the beginning of the dark cycle. If copulation does not occur within 5 minutes or she becomes aggressive, the female is removed from the cage. If copulation does occur, she is left in the cage until the following light cycle begins. What mating system does this describe?