What is the topic of this paragraph?Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night with excruciatingly painful legcramps? People used to believe that muscle cramping was due to not drinkingenough water or not enough potassium in the diet. But the latest research showsthat muscle cramping is due more to fatigue and not warming up the musclesbefore exercising. Other factors that cause muscle cramping are age, a higherbody mass index, and a family history of cramping. Cramps can be prevented bystretching your muscles gently before starting any exercise. Secondly, drinkplenty of water or sports drinks to replenish glucose and electrolyte levels in thebody. Finally, avoid using drinks with caffeine or taking in too much salt. Takingthe time to follow these guidelines can prevent agonizing muscle cramping.
Transitions can help you to determine the pattern of organiz…
Transitions can help you to determine the pattern of organization in a sentence, paragraph, or an essay.
Is the function differentiable at…
Is the function differentiable at ? Your answer must be supported with conclusive work (i.e. use the definition of the derivative).
The Mesopotamian gods all represented natural forces; abstra…
The Mesopotamian gods all represented natural forces; abstract concepts were not yet common place.
One consequence of the end of the ice age was
One consequence of the end of the ice age was
1 -3 5 2 -2 2 1 -3 3 8 3 3 -1 1 7 4 2 3 7 1 …
1 -3 5 2 -2 2 1 -3 3 8 3 3 -1 1 7 4 2 3 7 1 Answer the questions using the function values in the table above. Find where [A] Find where [B] Fill in each blank with the answer. Answers must be exact and simplified. Work is not required for this problem.
Find the following derivatives. A.
Find the following derivatives. A.
Hand axes were developed first in
Hand axes were developed first in
Directions: Read the paragraph and then answer the questions…
Directions: Read the paragraph and then answer the questions that follow.Throughout history, dance has been a significant part of many cultures. Theearliest recorded history of dance can be found in India’s Rock Shelters ofBhimbetka paintings, where dancing figures are shown on the walls. Dance wasan important part of ceremonies and rituals in many ancient civilizations, such asthe Egyptians as shown in their drawings dating from 3300 B.C. Throughouthistory, dance has evolved into an art form for creative expression, and there arenow more opportunities for careers in dance than in the past.Professional dancers are often employed in the entertainment field, where they arepaid stage performers for various types of productions. Dance coaches are chieflyinvolved with competitive dancing, and spend most of their time teaching danceto tournament dancers. Choreographers are usually people with college degrees indance. They create original dances and are often employed in the entertainmentfield, especially in movies and theater. Professional ballet dancers may spendyears in formal training, whereas someone who does folk dances in a troupe maynot have any professional training. Dance is art form for creative expression thatoffers many opportunities for professional careers.Question: What is the topic sentence of the first paragraph?
Before Homo sapiens, early humans were
Before Homo sapiens, early humans were