An individual’s ability to excel in certain types of sports may be due to different muscle fiber types. Certain muscle types allow some people, like marathoners, to achieve sustained muscle activity, whereas other muscle types allow people, like sprinters, to make use of a rapid burst of muscle activity, although the muscles fatigue quickly. The sustained activity of muscles in marathon runners is due to the higher yield of ATP per glucose. What differences would you predict for marathoners’ muscles compared to sprinters’? Select all that apply.
What is the resolution power of a microscope?
What is the resolution power of a microscope?
Write the complete name of the four most common elements in…
Write the complete name of the four most common elements in living organisms and their symbol in the periodic table. Do not forget to write the symbol.
Which answer choices are true about photorespiration?
Which answer choices are true about photorespiration?
Directions: Read the paragraph and answer the questions that…
Directions: Read the paragraph and answer the questions that follow.Before Christianity, the ancient Greeks believed in many gods not unlike ourmodern super heroes such as Superman, Spiderman, or Captain Marvel. AncientGreeks built temples to worship their super heroes, and created stories aboutthem. Zeus was the king of the gods, lord and ruler of the earth. His wife wasHera, an immortal queen who used her powers to influence the other gods. Alsofamous was Poseidon (po-SY-den) the god of the sea, who could create hugeocean storms, cause ships to sink, or save them. Beautiful Athena (a-THEE-na)was a warrior goddess, who led armies to war and brought them back in victory.The ancient Greeks believed that their gods were real and lived among them. Thestories about their lives were much like our modern TV dramas– full of trickery,bravery, violence, and sex. Greek mythology is filled with fascinating anddramatic stories about their gods. But the influence of these ancient gods lives onin the super heroes and stories of today.Question: Answer True or False to the following question:Greek mythology has influenced many modern stories of super heroes.
According to Chapter 11, Actual Perpetrators: Public Safety…
According to Chapter 11, Actual Perpetrators: Public Safety and Monetary Considerations, the fact that guilty people remain free while innocent people are wrongfully convicted and punished for their crimes refers to:
According to Chapter 11, Actual Perpetrators: Public Safety…
According to Chapter 11, Actual Perpetrators: Public Safety and Monetary Considerations, which of the following best describes the ideology of supporters of the Innocence Movement?
A 16-year-old female with a history of diabetes is found unc…
A 16-year-old female with a history of diabetes is found unconscious in a high school bathroom following volleyball practice. She is tachycardic; has cool, clammy skin; is lethargic; is slightly combative; and is very confused. She is most likely experiencing: _______
Directions: Read the paragraph and then answer the question…
Directions: Read the paragraph and then answer the question that follows.Throughout history, dance has been a significant part of many cultures. Theearliest recorded history of dance can be found in India’s Rock Shelters ofBhimbetka paintings, where dancing figures are shown on the walls. Dance wasan important part of ceremonies and rituals in many ancient civilizations, such asthe Egyptians as shown in their drawings dating from 3300 B.C. Throughouthistory, dance has evolved into an art form for creative expression, and there arenow more opportunities for careers in dance than in the past.Professional dancers are often employed in the entertainment field, where they arepaid stage performers for various types of productions. Dance coaches are chieflyinvolved with competitive dancing, and spend most of their time teaching danceto tournament dancers. Choreographers are usually people with college degrees indance. They create original dances and are often employed in the entertainmentfield, especially in movies and theater. Professional ballet dancers may spendyears in formal training, whereas someone who does folk dances in a troupe maynot have any professional training. Dance is art form for creative expression thatoffers many opportunities for professional careers.Question: What is the topic sentence of the second paragraph?
You are examining a patient who was recently involved in a t…
You are examining a patient who was recently involved in a traumatic incident. You notice that the patient is now exhibiting periumbilical ecchymosis. This is known as: _______