Directions: Read the following textbook passage and answer t…

Directions: Read the following textbook passage and answer the questions. Hunting and Gathering The oldest and most basic way of living is hunting and gathering, the use ofsimple tools to hunt animals and gather vegetation for food. From the time of ourearliest human ancestors 3 million years ago until about 1800, most people in theworld lived as hunters and gatherers. Today, however, this technology supportsonly a few societies, including the Kaska Indians of northwestern Canada, thePygmies of Central Africa, the Bushmen of southwestern Africa, theAborigines ofAustralia, and the Semai of Malaysia. Typically, hunters and gatherers spend mostof their time searching for game and edible plants. Their societies are small,generally with several dozen people living in a nomadic, family-like group,moving on as they use up an area’s vegetation or follow migratory animals.(Macionis, John J. Society: The Basics, Upper Saddle River: Pearson-PrenticeHall 2007. pp. 50-51)Question:  What is the topic?

Directions: Read the paragraph below and then answer the que…

Directions: Read the paragraph below and then answer the question that follows.Since the time when man first began to study the stars, there was always a desireto know more about what is in the universe and beyond. The invention of thetelescope gave us the ability to see beyond our own planet into the solar system,but Earth’s atmosphere obstructs a clear view of space. The Hubble telescope,named after astronomer Edwin Hubble, was put into orbit above the atmospherein 1990 and it transformed the way astronomers study space. From the imagestransmitted back to Earth from Hubble, we learned more about how our planetwas formed. We discovered amazing new bodies in space such as protoplanetarydisks (beginning planets), gamma-ray bursts, and many other fascinating objectsand processes occurring in the universe. Since the Hubble, several moretelescopes have been put into orbit around the Earth.Question:  What is the main idea?

Directions: Read the following textbook passage and answer t…

Directions: Read the following textbook passage and answer the questions. Hunting and Gathering The oldest and most basic way of living is hunting and gathering, the use ofsimple tools to hunt animals and gather vegetation for food. From the time of ourearliest human ancestors 3 million years ago until about 1800, most people in theworld lived as hunters and gatherers. Today, however, this technology supportsonly a few societies, including the Kaska Indians of northwestern Canada, thePygmies of Central Africa, the Bushmen of southwestern Africa, the Aborigines ofAustralia, and the Semai of Malaysia. Typically, hunters and gatherers spend mostof their time searching for game and edible plants. Their societies are small,generally with several dozen people living in a nomadic, family-like group,moving on as they use up an area’s vegetation or follow migratory animals.(Macionis, John J. Society: The Basics, Upper Saddle River: Pearson-PrenticeHall 2007. pp. 50-51)Question:  According to the passage, which of the following conclusions is true?

An individual’s ability to excel in certain types of sports…

An individual’s ability to excel in certain types of sports may be due to different muscle fiber types. Certain muscle types allow some people, like marathoners, to achieve sustained muscle activity, whereas other muscle types allow people, like sprinters, to make use of a rapid burst of muscle activity, although the muscles fatigue quickly. The sustained activity of muscles in marathon runners is due to the higher yield of ATP per glucose. What differences would you predict for marathoners’ muscles compared to sprinters’? Select all that apply.