The “slice thickness” of an u/s scanning plane is most closely related to the:
Ultrasonic image resolution through the entire field of view…
Ultrasonic image resolution through the entire field of view can be improved best by using multiple:
In a pulse-echo system, the quality factor should be made as…
In a pulse-echo system, the quality factor should be made as large as possible:
Transducers should NOT be heat sterilized because:
Transducers should NOT be heat sterilized because:
The lateral resolution of a system: …
The lateral resolution of a system:
You are asked to fabricate a pulsed u/s xdcr with the lowest…
You are asked to fabricate a pulsed u/s xdcr with the lowest possible frequency. Which piezoelectric crystal would you select?
Heat sterilization will damage the piezoelectric properties…
Heat sterilization will damage the piezoelectric properties of the xdcr element if the high temperature used is equal to:
A CW sinusoidal wave is characterized by multiple frequencie…
A CW sinusoidal wave is characterized by multiple frequencies.
Which statement below BEST describes the consequence of damp…
Which statement below BEST describes the consequence of damping material?
The process of making the impedance values on either side of…
The process of making the impedance values on either side of a boundary as close as possible to reduce reflections is called: