2. Read the passage on the history, myths and facts about…

2. Read the passage on the history, myths and facts about left-handedness and intelligence (TEXT C).  Summarise the main points: focus on the research that has been done and the facts that have been discovered with regards to left-handedness and intelligence. You are required to do the following: • Write the summary in one FLUENT paragraph not exceeding 90 words. • Your summary should include SEVEN main points. • Write in YOUR OWN WORDS and use only FULL sentences. • Indicate the NUMBER OF WORDS used at the end of your summary. • Make use of the title that has been provided.    

1.5 Refer to paragraph 1. Refer to the third sentence of t…

1.5 Refer to paragraph 1. Refer to the third sentence of the passage: “People who have this so-called ‘disadvantage’ do not … on the planet.”   How does the reader know that the author does not believe left-handedness is a disadvantage? Refer to two different points in your answer. (2)

5.1 “Nee, sambreeldrankies is nie eintlik my ding nie… w…

5.1 “Nee, sambreeldrankies is nie eintlik my ding nie… wat van liewer ‘n plek waar daar ‘n watergat is met baie koedoes en rooibokke?”   Skryf een (1x) SAMESTELLING en twee (2x) SAMESTELLENDE AFLEIDINGS uit die bogenoemde aanhaling neer: Samestelling:                        _______________________________  Samestellende Afleidings:  _______________________________________________                                               _______________________________________________  (3)