Answer this questions with complete sentences in Spanish. Wa…

Answer this questions with complete sentences in Spanish. Watch out for those Adjective Clauses! (4×5=20) 1. ¿Cuánto tiempo hace que tienes abierta una cuenta en el banco?  2. ¿Conoces a alguien que trabaje en una pastelería?  3. En tu universidad, ¿te piden que pagues al contado?  4. ¿Hay algún estacionamiento que esté cerca de tu universidad?  5. ¿Tienes algún amigo o alguna amiga que quiera trabajar en un salón de belleza? 

Is it possible to predict whether a student smoke (Y/N) base…

Is it possible to predict whether a student smoke (Y/N) based on whether their father and mother smoke (Y/N) ? Data from a survey conducted on high school seniors and college students in Florida and Georgia was used to perform the logistic regression analysis whose results appear below : Predictor  Coef  Se Coef  Z P-value Constant -1.83 0.08 -22.875 0 Father Smoke 0.46 0.09 5.11 0 Mother Smoke 0.72 0.21 3.42 0.0006 Find the probability that a student will be a smoker in this population if his/her mother is not a smoker but father is a smoker.(1 = YES / 0 = NO)

Questions 1-7Consider the analysis of leukemia data (n=27)….

Questions 1-7Consider the analysis of leukemia data (n=27). The data has a response variable of whether leukemia remission (REMISS) occurred or not ( which is given by a 1 and 0 accordingly ). The predictor variable is the percentage labeling index of the bone marrow leukemia cells (LI). Consider the following fitted model: CoefficientsTerm            Coef   SE Coef        Z-Value       P-Value   Constant    -3.78     1.38          -2.74             0.006LI                 2.90     1.19            2.44              0.015  What kind of variables do we have here?