Directions: Read the paragraph below and then answer the que…

Directions: Read the paragraph below and then answer the question that follows.Since the time when man first began to study the stars, there was always a desireto know more about what is in the universe and beyond. The invention of thetelescope gave us the ability to see beyond our own planet into the solar system,but Earth’s atmosphere obstructs a clear view of space. The Hubble telescope,named after astronomer Edwin Hubble, was put into orbit above the atmospherein 1990 and it transformed the way astronomers study space. From the imagestransmitted back to Earth from Hubble, we learned more about how our planetwas formed. We discovered amazing new bodies in space such as protoplanetarydisks (beginning planets), gamma-ray bursts, and many other fascinating objectsand processes occurring in the universe. Since the Hubble, several moretelescopes have been put into orbit around the Earth.Question:  What is the author’s purpose?

Re-read the following article and answer the questions that…

Re-read the following article and answer the questions that follow. While everyone begins life without a notion of what is right and wrong, we all acquire a moral sense as we age. From this assumption, U.S. psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg (1927-1979) developed a theory that asserted that our development of a moral sense progresses through six recognizable stages, which can be subsumed under three levels. The first level is called the pre-conventional level and is assumed to be where all humans begin at birth. At this level, right is what results in pleasure, and wrong is whatever causes discomfort and unhappiness. Most people gradually develop to a second level in moral reasoning, called the conventional level. Kohlberg said that right and wrong at the conventional level of moral reasoning is primarily defined in terms of authority figures, be they parents, political leaders, or God. Kohlberg theorized that the highest level of moral reasoning is what he termed the post-conventional level. Those who reason about moral issues at this level do so primarily in terms of universal principles of equity and justice. In other words, neither pleasure/pain nor rules set forth by those in authority guide moral decision-making at the post-conventional level. Instead, an individual’s own internalized sense of right and wrong emerges based on universal principles of the equal worth of human life. (Ellis and Walsh, Criminology, A Global Perspective, p. 314) With which statement would Kohlberg most likely agree?

Directions: Read the paragraph and then answer the questions…

Directions: Read the paragraph and then answer the questions that follow.Throughout history, dance has been a significant part of many cultures. Theearliest recorded history of dance can be found in India’s Rock Shelters ofBhimbetka paintings, where dancing figures are shown on the walls. Dance wasan important part of ceremonies and rituals in many ancient civilizations, such asthe Egyptians as shown in their drawings dating from 3300 B.C. Throughouthistory, dance has evolved into an art form for creative expression, and there arenow more opportunities for careers in dance than in the past.Professional dancers are often employed in the entertainment field, where they arepaid stage performers for various types of productions. Dance coaches are chieflyinvolved with competitive dancing, and spend most of their time teaching danceto tournament dancers. Choreographers are usually people with college degrees indance. They create original dances and are often employed in the entertainmentfield, especially in movies and theater. Professional ballet dancers may spendyears in formal training, whereas someone who does folk dances in a troupe maynot have any professional training. Dance is art form for creative expression thatoffers many opportunities for professional careers.Question:  What is the topic?

Re-read the following article and answer the questions that…

Re-read the following article and answer the questions that follow. While everyone begins life without a notion of what is right and wrong, we all acquire a moral sense as we age. From this assumption, U.S. psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg (1927-1979) developed a theory that asserted that our development of a moral sense progresses through six recognizable stages, which can be subsumed under three levels. The first level is called the pre-conventional level and is assumed to be where all humans begin at birth. At this level, right is what results in pleasure, and wrong is whatever causes discomfort and unhappiness. Most people gradually develop to a second level in moral reasoning, called the conventional level. Kohlberg said that right and wrong at the conventional level of moral reasoning is primarily defined in terms of authority figures, be they parents, political leaders, or God. Kohlberg theorized that the highest level of moral reasoning is what he termed the post-conventional level. Those who reason about moral issues at this level do so primarily in terms of universal principles of equity and justice. In other words, neither pleasure/pain nor rules set forth by those in authority guide moral decision-making at the post-conventional level. Instead, an individual’s own internalized sense of right and wrong emerges based on universal principles of the equal worth of human life. (Ellis and Walsh, Criminology, A Global Perspective, p. 314) Concerning the pre-conventional level of moral development, with which statement below would Kohlberg disagree?

Directions: Read the paragraph and answer the questions that…

Directions: Read the paragraph and answer the questions that follow.Before Christianity, the ancient Greeks believed in many gods not unlike ourmodern super heroes such as Superman, Spiderman, or Captain Marvel. AncientGreeks built temples to worship their super heroes, and created stories aboutthem. Zeus was the king of the gods, lord and ruler of the earth. His wife wasHera, an immortal queen who used her powers to influence the other gods. Alsofamous was Poseidon (po-SY-den) the god of the sea, who could create hugeocean storms, cause ships to sink, or save them. Beautiful Athena (a-THEE-na)was a warrior goddess, who led armies to war and brought them back in victory.The ancient Greeks believed that their gods were real and lived among them. Thestories about their lives were much like our modern TV dramas– full of trickery,bravery, violence, and sex. Greek mythology is filled with fascinating anddramatic stories about their gods. But the influence of these ancient gods lives onin the super heroes and stories of today.Question:  Answer True or False to the following question:The ancient gods and goddesses had both human qualities and supernatural powers.

Directions: Read the paragraph and answer the questions that…

Directions: Read the paragraph and answer the questions that follow.Before Christianity, the ancient Greeks believed in many gods not unlike ourmodern super heroes such as Superman, Spiderman, or Captain Marvel. AncientGreeks built temples to worship their super heroes, and created stories aboutthem. Zeus was the king of the gods, lord and ruler of the earth. His wife wasHera, an immortal queen who used her powers to influence the other gods. Alsofamous was Poseidon (po-SY-den) the god of the sea, who could create hugeocean storms, cause ships to sink, or save them. Beautiful Athena (a-THEE-na)was a warrior goddess, who led armies to war and brought them back in victory.The ancient Greeks believed that their gods were real and lived among them. Thestories about their lives were much like our modern TV dramas– full of trickery,bravery, violence, and sex. Greek mythology is filled with fascinating anddramatic stories about their gods. But the influence of these ancient gods lives onin the super heroes and stories of today.Question:  Answer True or False to the following question:In some ways, the ancient Greeks were much like modern people.