Select the line from the passage above that is quoted accord…

Select the line from the passage above that is quoted according to current MLA guidelines:  (1)The brain consolidates learning during two particular phases of sleep. (2)According to Dr. Robert Stickgold of Harvard University Medical School, who conducted a series of tests involving visual tasks, the brain seems to need lots of slow-wave sleep and a good chunk of another kind of sleep, Rapid Eye Movement, or REM. (3)Dr. Stickgold hypothesizes that the reason the brain needs these particular kinds of sleep is that certain brain chemicals plummet during the first part of the night, and information flows out of the hippocampus (the memory region) and into the cortex. (4)He thinks the brain then distributes the new information into appropriate networks and categories. (5)Inside the brain, proteins strengthen the connections between nerve cells consolidating the new skills learned the day before. (6)Then later, during REM, the brain re-enacts the lessons from the previous day and solidifies the newly-made connections through the memory banks. Works Cited Spinks, Sarah. “From Zzzz’s to A’s – Adolescents and Sleep.” “ Inside the Teenage Mind.”  Frontline. (c1995-2011 WGBH Educational Foundation).  Web. 8-14-11.