Many organs are able to be listed in more than one organ sys…

Many organs are able to be listed in more than one organ system. Pick an organ that is able to be found in two organ systems. (Learning Objective 5, page 3) 1. List the organ and the organ systems in which the organ is located. 2. Provide a function of each organ system that you named above.

The body controls blood loss through a process called blood…

The body controls blood loss through a process called blood clotting. Blood clotting is regulated by a positive feedback loop. When blood clotting has occurred, a measurement of  0mL blood loss occurs. A patient presents with an initial blood loss measurement of 20 mL. After the first cycle of the feedback loop, the blood loss measurement is 18 mL. After the second cycle of the feedback loop, the blood loss measurement is 14 mL. After the third cycle of the feedback loop, which of the following is the most likely blood loss measurement in this patient? (Learning Objective 8, page 3)