Outlining helps you organize your ideas.
Preparation outlines have citations in the sentences.
Preparation outlines have citations in the sentences.
The deeper one goes into the outline hierarchy the more gene…
The deeper one goes into the outline hierarchy the more general the material becomes.
Speaking outlines use the same symbols as preparation outlin…
Speaking outlines use the same symbols as preparation outlines.
Speaking outlines use the same symbols as preparation outlin…
Speaking outlines use the same symbols as preparation outlines.
Once something is said, it cannot be taken back.
Once something is said, it cannot be taken back.
Teleprompters display the speech word for word.
Teleprompters display the speech word for word.
Once something is said, it cannot be taken back.
Once something is said, it cannot be taken back.
Which of the following is NOT a rule for preparation outline…
Which of the following is NOT a rule for preparation outlines?
Teleprompters display the speech word for word.
Teleprompters display the speech word for word.