President Franklin D. Roosevelt contracted polio virus in…

  President Franklin D. Roosevelt contracted polio virus in 1921 likely from drinking contaminated water.  The polio virus attacked neuron cell bodies in the spinal cord and ultimately resulted in his paralysis from the waist down without any reflex activity and confined him to a wheelchair the rest of his life.  Given this information, answer the following questions. Which type of paralysis is described above?  

  Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) can occur in athletes that ha…

  Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) can occur in athletes that have had multiple concussions or in veterans with repeated head injury due to exposure to concussive waves of artillery.  A patient is admitted to your care with TBI.  Family members claim that there has been a change in him from a smart, capable, even-tempered man to a bad-tempered, foul-mouthed father that cannot focus or make decisions.    Due to these changes, which functional area of the brain do you think has been affected by the TBI?