The most common primary intracranial central nervous system tumor in children is
The most radiosensitive structure in the eye is the
The most radiosensitive structure in the eye is the
A monitor unit in a linear accelerator is calibrated to repr…
A monitor unit in a linear accelerator is calibrated to represent an absorbed dose of
The root word orchio means
The root word orchio means
Extra Credit: The normal blood urea nitrogen count in an adu…
Extra Credit: The normal blood urea nitrogen count in an adult is
Cancers of the large colon will exhibit metastatic spread th…
Cancers of the large colon will exhibit metastatic spread through the lymphatics and blood once the cancer has penetrated the
The center of the clinical target volume on a patient receiv…
The center of the clinical target volume on a patient receiving intensity modulated radiation therapy prostate treatments can best be determined
The most common histologic type of breast carcinoma is
The most common histologic type of breast carcinoma is
Your patient is being treated for cervical cancer. The patie…
Your patient is being treated for cervical cancer. The patient is being treated on a Varian 2100 CD machine (calculated SSD 100cm). She is undergoing a 4-field box treatment that includes the inguinal lymph nodes. Your patient had a total hysterectomy before beginning radiation therapy and the doctor is prescribing the dose to the surgical bed. The prescription of the initial dose is 5040 rads to the tumor bed at 180 rads per fraction. The patient will also be receiving a boost dose of 600 rads in 3 fractions to the cervical os. What is the total dose your patient will be receiving?
As the energy of the photon beam increases, the maximum dose…
As the energy of the photon beam increases, the maximum dose region