25. Which of the following positions has the smallest base of support?
List one compensatory strategy a patient may use during sit…
List one compensatory strategy a patient may use during sit to stand transfers if they do not have the muscular to complete the task normally.
Incompetent perforators play little to no role in venous ulc…
Incompetent perforators play little to no role in venous ulcerations.
Reginald looked for work for six months but could not find a…
Reginald looked for work for six months but could not find a job to his liking. He now spends his time at the beach. For purposes of employment, he is considered:
Extra Credit 2: The PT evaluation notes that a patient has t…
Extra Credit 2: The PT evaluation notes that a patient has the gait deviation of hip circumduction. Which of the following suggested interventions would likely not be effective in improving the impairment?
51. Osteoporosis is a disease in which the density and qual…
51. Osteoporosis is a disease in which the density and quality of bone are reduced. It is caused by a loss in the following mineral:
Match the lobes of the brain (Column A) with their correspon…
Match the lobes of the brain (Column A) with their corresponding function (Column B)
No calculator or fingers! While your patient completes the F…
No calculator or fingers! While your patient completes the Functional reach, you note they start at 13 inches and move to 24 inches. How many inches did they move?
26. What is the function of tibialis anterior at initial co…
26. What is the function of tibialis anterior at initial contact when the patient transitions from heel strike to foot flat during gait?
58. A patient in the ICU who is sedated on a ventilator and…
58. A patient in the ICU who is sedated on a ventilator and demonstrates abnormal tone would be appropriate for skilled PT for PROM.