Problem Counts 3 Points The Ryan Candy Corp. issued bonds wi…

Problem Counts 3 Points The Ryan Candy Corp. issued bonds with a face value of $100,000 and a stated interest rate of 8%. Ryan Candy Corp. retired these bonds for $128,000 before the maturity date. At the time, the bonds had a carrying value of $117,000. Determine the amount of gain or loss on the bond retirement.

Financial Accounting Formulas: The Accounting Equation: Asse…

Financial Accounting Formulas: The Accounting Equation: Assets = Liabilities + Owners Equity Retained Earnings: Beginning Retained Earnings + Net Income – Dividends Declared = Ending Retained Earnings Stockholders Equity: Ending Stockholders Equity = Ending Common Stock + Ending Retained Earnings – Treasury Stock FIFO: First In First Out LIFO: Last In First Out Ratios: Return on Average Equity: Net Income/Average Equity Return on Average Assets:  Net Income/Average Assets The Current Ratio: Current Assets/Current Liabilities The Debt Ratio: Total Liabilities/Total Assets The Debt to Equity Ratio: Total Liabilities/Total Stockholders’ Equity Asset Turnover:  Net Sales/Average Assets Inventory Turnover:  Cost of Goods Sold/Average Inventory EPS: Net Income/# of shares outstanding Quick Ratio: (Cash + Marketable Securities + Net Receivables)/Current Liabilities Profit Margin: Net Income/Net sales