Use the following excerpt from table 3.2, Part B Services 20…

Use the following excerpt from table 3.2, Part B Services 2020 1. Alona is enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B. She goes to the hospital seniors clinic for her arthritis. She had a regular visit in June when Dr. Proudfoot examined her, checked her medications, and suggested water aerobics. The approved amount for her visit is $230. Alona met her outpatient deductible in March. What is her cost sharing amount for the visit to Dr. Proudfoot? (Blank 1) 2. Sal is enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B. He goes to the hospital seniors clinic for congestive heart failure. He had a regular visit in November when Dr. Nauman examined him, checked his medications, and suggested a high fiber diet. The approved amount for her visit is $275. Sal met his outpatient deductible in February. What is his cost sharing amount for the visit to Dr. Nauman?

1. Patient 72341 is admitted as an inpatient for delivery. L…

1. Patient 72341 is admitted as an inpatient for delivery. Length of stay is three days. The charges for the encounter are $10,425.00. The cost of the encounter is $5,848.45. Which payer will reimburse the hospital the highest amount? (blank 1) 2. Patient 89423 is seen in the outpatient clinic at Happy Hospital for a pneumonia follow-up visit. The charges for the encounter total $135. Which payer will reimburse the hospital the lowest amount? (blank 2) 3. Patient 24571 is seen in the Occupational Therapy (OT) clinic for an initial evaluation of her carpal tunnel surgery recovery. The charges for the visit total $150. Which payer will reimburse the facility the highest amount? (blank 3) 4. Patient 62316 is admitted as an inpatient for hip replacement following a fall on ice in the school parking lot where he works as a teacher. During his admission, the patient received OT services post-surgery. The LOS was six days. The charges for the encounter are $135,000. Which payer will reimburse the hospital the highest amount? (blank 4) a. Payer A b. Payer B c. Payer C d. Payer D e. There is not enough information in the contract matrix to determine reimbursement for this encounter  

Dr. Ward is an endocrinologist who is part of the City Endoc…

Dr. Ward is an endocrinologist who is part of the City Endocrinologist Specialists practice. Super Payer reimburses City Endocrinologist Specialists $450 per month for each of the 250 beneficiaries assigned to their care. Which type of reimbursement methodology is Super Payer using to reimburse City Endocrinologist Specialists?