You have been monitoring microbial contamination in a pharma…

You have been monitoring microbial contamination in a pharmaceutical production room. The values you obtained are the following: air sample 8 cfu/m3, average of 3cfu for settle plates (4 h), average of 2 cfu per contact plates, glove plates average less than 1cfu per glove Based on this data alone what is the grade of this room?

A 53-year-old female patient has been using Hormone Replacem…

A 53-year-old female patient has been using Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) consisting of an oestrogen and cyclical progestogen. The patient presents to her GP complaining of symptoms of fluid retention particularly during the days when she is taking the progestogen tablets. The GP decides to try the patient on an alternative HRT therapy. Which of the following options would be the most suitable alternative for this patient?