All Optional Screening & Papers may be used as which of the following?
Which of the following statements is TRUE of bacterial plasm…
Which of the following statements is TRUE of bacterial plasmids?A) They are always found in the nucleoid.B) They can replicate autonomously.C) They carry genes for essential metabolic functions.D) They are small circular DNA molecules.E) They are small circular DNA molecules that can replicate autonomously.
What is the term for the person assigned by law to be the le…
What is the term for the person assigned by law to be the legal advocate for residents?
Prokaryotic operons typically include a(n) ________ and a(n)…
Prokaryotic operons typically include a(n) ________ and a(n) ________ followed by multiple genes.A) operator; terminatorB) promoter; operatorC) promoter; repressorD) inducer; repressorE) CAP-binding site; inducer
An organic compound gains an electron from another molecule….
An organic compound gains an electron from another molecule. The organic compoundA) has been oxidized.B) is an electron donor.C) has been reduced.D) has become more positively charged.E) has lost a hydrogen atom.
What is the proper way for a nursing assistant (NA) to respo…
What is the proper way for a nursing assistant (NA) to respond if a resident does not hear or does not understand her?
Set 4 – Lab 6: Diffusion, Osmosis, and Cell Membranes In…
Set 4 – Lab 6: Diffusion, Osmosis, and Cell Membranes In the second Osmosis exercise, we looked at how a 20% NaCl solution affects an Elodea spp. leaf. The diagram below is a leaf in a 20% NaCl solution. Fill in the blanks below using the options in bold print to explain the diagrams below: Direction of water movement pertaining to the cell: into; out of; no movement Condition of the cell: flaccid; plasmolyzed; turgid; lysed Part 1: What is the direction of the water movement in the leaf above? _______________ Part 2: What is the condition of the cells in the leaf above? _______________
Set 5 – Lab 6: Diffusion, Osmosis, and Cell Membranes Pot…
Set 5 – Lab 6: Diffusion, Osmosis, and Cell Membranes Potato Osmosis Experiment: There are three questions using potato core. Answer the fill in the blanks and select the correct multiple choice answer for a potato core soaking in a solution for 8 hrs. Each answer is worth 1 pt. Choose from the following terms for your answers: Hypertonic, hypotonic, or isotonic. A 7 cm potato core put in solution A, and decreases in size to 6.8 cm in a that time period. What is the tonicity of solution A _______________________________; What is the tonicity of the potato cell cytoplasm? __________________________________ Which direction does the water move across the potato cell membrane is there a net movement of water? a) Into b) Out of c) No movement
Which of the following statements is TRUE of bacterial plasm…
Which of the following statements is TRUE of bacterial plasmids?A) They are always found in the nucleoid.B) They can replicate autonomously.C) They carry genes for essential metabolic functions.D) They are small circular DNA molecules.E) They are small circular DNA molecules that can replicate autonomously.
Set 16 – Lab 8: Aerobic Cellular Respiration In the second s…
Set 16 – Lab 8: Aerobic Cellular Respiration In the second section in Pivot on Exploring Respiration Rates, Part 1 was about “Developing a Question and Procedure”. When comparing the amount of CO2 produced by different organisms through time, what variable should they try to maintain constant?