Kyk na Bron 1C 1.3.1 Wat was die doel van die vorming van NAVO? (1×2) (2) 1.3.2 Lys enige 3 lede van NAVO. (3×1) (3) 1.3.3 Wat was die Berlynse Blokkade? (1×2) (2) 1.3.4 Verduidelik waarom “die Berlynse Blokkade ‘n laagtepunt vir internasionale betrekkinge” was. (2×2) (4) 1.3.5 Definieer die term “wedersydse verdediging” in die konteks van die bron. (1×2) (2) [13] Kyk na Bron 1D 1.4.1 Verduidelik waarom Stalin ‘n buffersone rondom die USSR wou skep. (1×2) (2) 1.4.2 Definieer die term ‘Invloedsfeer’. (1×2) (2) 1.4.3 Noem TWEE lande wat onder beheer van die USSR gekom het. (2×1) (2) [6] 1.5 Met die gebruik van inligting van die relevante bronne asook jou eie kennis, skryf ‘n paragraaf van ongeveer TIEN tot VYFTIEN lyne (ongeveer 100 woorde) waarin jy bespreek hoe die Berlynse Blokkade bygedra het tot die Koue Oorlog spanning tussen die Westerse magte en die Sowjetunie. (8) Vraag 1 Totaal [50] Skryf die antwoord vir 1.3.1 – 1.5 hier
Instruksies 1. Hierdie vraestel bestaan uit TWEE AFDEL…
Instruksies 1. Hierdie vraestel bestaan uit TWEE AFDELINGS: Afdeling A: Brongebaseerde Vraag VRAAG 1: Die Koue Oorlog: (50 punte) Of VRAAG 2: Swart Magbeweeging: (50 punte) Afdeling B: Opstel vraag VRAAG 3: Die Burgerregtebeweging: (VERPLIGTEND VRAAG) (50 punte) 2. Jy moet óf Vraag 1 OF Vraag 2 antwoord EN Vraag 3 beantwoord. 3. Jy word aangeraai om EEN uur per vraag te spandeer. 4. Wanneer jy vrae beantwoord, moet jy jou kennis, vaardighede en insig toepas. 5. Jy sal benadeel word deur bloot die bronne as antwoorde te herskryf. 6. Jy moet jou antwoorde tik 7. Nommer jou antwoorde korrek volgens die nommeringstelsel wat in die vrae gebruik word. 8. Laat ‘n reël na elke antwoord. 9. Enige bewyse van bedrog/plagiaat sal lei tot ‘n punt van nul.
In this picture , you will use the blue kitten icon ( at t…
In this picture , you will use the blue kitten icon ( at the green arrow ) to Add new backdrops. (1) PLEASE RIGHT CLICK ON THE BLUE BUTTON AND OPEN PICTURE IN A NEW TAB
If you see this functions on your screen it means you can op…
If you see this functions on your screen it means you can open a [answ9] on the [answ10] (2) PLEASE RIGHT CLICK ON THE BLUE BUTTON AND OPEN PICTURE IN A NEW TAB
If you see this functions on your screen it means you can op…
If you see this functions on your screen it means you can open a [answ9] on the [answ10] (2) PLEASE RIGHT CLICK ON THE BLUE BUTTON AND OPEN PICTURE IN A NEW TAB
In this picture , you will use the blue kitten icon ( at t…
In this picture , you will use the blue kitten icon ( at the green arrow ) to Add new backdrops. (1) PLEASE RIGHT CLICK ON THE BLUE BUTTON AND OPEN PICTURE IN A NEW TAB
Look at the set of blocks below , and choose the corre…
Look at the set of blocks below , and choose the correct answers . PLEASE RIGHT CLICK ON THE BLUE BUTTON AND OPEN PICTURE IN A NEW TAB A The [answer1] will start the scripts in that Sprite . 1 B The [answer2] will stop the Sprite at the end on the stage 1 C The Sprite can change position / look with the [answer3] button 1 D The x : and y: is the [answer4] of the Sprite 1 E The [answer5] block will ensure the Sprite repeats the action 1 Look at the Functions , and choose the correct answers . PLEASE RIGHT CLICK ON THE BLUE BUTTON AND OPEN PICTURE IN A NEW TAB A [answer6] 1 B [answer7] 1 C [answer8] 1 D [answer9] 1 E [answer10] 1
In the HOME tab you will find the Clipboard , this function…
In the HOME tab you will find the Clipboard , this function stores text and graphics that you copy and lets you paste them in any other Office file. (1)
Input is the [answ1] information entered into a computer f…
Input is the [answ1] information entered into a computer from the [answ2] devices. (2)