What is the output of the following code? Be sure to draw a…

What is the output of the following code? Be sure to draw a picture to help you with this (you don’t need to turn the picture in).  Kitty k1 = new Kitty (“Miss Peach”);Kitty k2 = new Kitty (“Gizmo”);Kitty k3 = k2;k2 = k1;k1.setName(“Abigail”);System.out.println(k2.getName()); Output: ________________

What is the output of the following code? Be sure to draw a…

What is the output of the following code? Be sure to draw a picture to help you with this (you don’t need to turn the picture in).  Kitty k1 = new Kitty (“Gizmo”);Kitty k2 = new Kitty (“Abigail”);Kitty k3 = k2;k2 = k1;k1.setName(“Miss Peach”);System.out.println(k2.getName()); Output: ________________

What is the output of the following? public class Numbers{ p…

What is the output of the following? public class Numbers{ public void calculate{ int number1 = 10; int number2 = 5; int number3 = 8; switch(number1, number2, number3); } public void switch(int number3, int number1, int number2){           System.out.println(number1 + ” ” + number2 + ” ” + number3); }} Output ___________

Assume the method giveBonus()has been added to the BankAccou…

Assume the method giveBonus()has been added to the BankAccount class. (10pts) public class Raise {    private int annualSalary;    public Raise(){         annualSalary = 0;   }  //end constructor    public Raise(int currentSalary){ annualSalary = currentSalary;    }  //end constructorpublic void giveRaise(){ annualSalary = annualSalary + 500; }  //end giveRaisepublic int getSalary(){ return annualSalary; }  //end giveRaise} What will be output from the following statements that use this BankAccount class? (assume there is a getBalance() method that returns the  balance) Raise greatEmployee = new Raise ();greatEmployee.giveRaise ();greatEmployee.giveRaise ();greatEmployee.giveRaise ();System.out.println (greatEmployee.getSalary());

I hereby swear and affirm that this work is solely my own, a…

I hereby swear and affirm that this work is solely my own, and not the work or the derivative of the work of someone else. I also hearby swear that all of my responses to these questions are solely from what I have learned via my memory and that I will not use any outside source (no  notes, web searches, books, articles, applications, etc.) to aid in my responses. [Agree]

What is the output of the following? public class Numbers{ p…

What is the output of the following? public class Numbers{ public void calculate{ int number1 = 5; int number2 = 10; int number3 = 8; switch(number3, number2, number1); } public void switch(int number1, int number2, int number3){ System.out.println(number1 + ” ” + number2 + ” ” + number3); }} Output ___________