Organum is when another melody is added to plain chant.
Author: Anonymous
A rare autosomal recessive congenital disorder that features…
A rare autosomal recessive congenital disorder that features partial albinism, mild bleeding tendencies, and giant lysosomal granules in blood and tissue cells is known as ____________.
Acute monocytic leukemia (M5a) is characterized by the prese…
Acute monocytic leukemia (M5a) is characterized by the presence of:
Which of the following indicators correlate to children with…
Which of the following indicators correlate to children with a poor prognosis for ALL?
Which laboratory features are helpful in supporting a diagno…
Which laboratory features are helpful in supporting a diagnosis of CIMF instead of essential thrombocythemia?
A patient presents with a hematocrit of 55%, elevated red ce…
A patient presents with a hematocrit of 55%, elevated red cell mass, normal arterial oxygen saturation, elevated LAP score, and thrombocytosis. What is the most probable cause of these laboratory findings?
Cold agglutinins of __________ specificity are present in 20…
Cold agglutinins of __________ specificity are present in 20% of patients with infectious mononucleosis.
Which FAB classification demonstrates at least 3% positivity…
Which FAB classification demonstrates at least 3% positivity with peroxidase or SBB,
A rare autosomal recessive congenital disorder that features…
A rare autosomal recessive congenital disorder that features partial albinism, mild bleeding tendencies, and giant lysosomal granules in blood and tissue cells is known as ____________.
Which phrase best describes the etiology of essential thromb…
Which phrase best describes the etiology of essential thrombocythemia?