The difference between a JHA and a JSA is that a JHA is for high hazard industries and a JSA is for “safer” industries.
Author: Anonymous
It is always a good idea to wear PPE even when engineering c…
It is always a good idea to wear PPE even when engineering controls are in place just to be a little bit safer.
For recordkeeping, OSHA counts calendar days rather than mis…
For recordkeeping, OSHA counts calendar days rather than missed scheduled work days because it is a better measure of severity (e.g., a better measure of the impact of the injury).
Full compliance with OSHA noise standards will completely el…
Full compliance with OSHA noise standards will completely eliminate hearing loss in the workplace.
The inner ear responds differently to various frequencies (s…
The inner ear responds differently to various frequencies (some frequencies sound louder and some quieter).
How does OSHA compare the relative safety performance compan…
How does OSHA compare the relative safety performance companies of different sizes (number of employees)?
The general duty clause is typically cited for violations fo…
The general duty clause is typically cited for violations for which an OSHA standard currently exists, but for which the standard is not strict enough (e.g., the standard is NOT protective enough and/or the penalty is too LOW).
According to the OSHA lockout/tagout standard (1910.147)
According to the OSHA lockout/tagout standard (1910.147)
When calculating days away from work only count business or…
When calculating days away from work only count business or scheduled working days.
Traditional safety focuses on chronic (slow developing) inju…
Traditional safety focuses on chronic (slow developing) injuries?