Toxicity symptoms associated with this vitamin include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, as well as liver enlargement , bone pain, and cessation of menustration.
Author: Anonymous
The most productive step to take to control salt intake is:
The most productive step to take to control salt intake is:
Which food listed would be the best source of beta-carotene?
Which food listed would be the best source of beta-carotene?
Chloride is the body’s major negatively charged ion; it is r…
Chloride is the body’s major negatively charged ion; it is responsible for stomach acidity and plays a role in acid-base balance.
Which vitamin is sometimes called the “sunshine vitamin”?
Which vitamin is sometimes called the “sunshine vitamin”?
Green leafy vegetables serve as good food sources of all the…
Green leafy vegetables serve as good food sources of all the vitamins listed below EXCEPT…
The most productive step to take to control salt intake is:
The most productive step to take to control salt intake is:
Chloride is the body’s major negatively charged ion; it is r…
Chloride is the body’s major negatively charged ion; it is responsible for stomach acidity and plays a role in acid-base balance.
Which vitamin plays a key role in helping with synthesis of…
Which vitamin plays a key role in helping with synthesis of blood clotting proteins?
People with severe iodine deficiency…
People with severe iodine deficiency…