A patient death has occurred in the OR, and a family member of the patient has asked the ST about the patient. Which of the following is the best step to take in this situation?
Author: Anonymous
A patient death has occurred in the OR, and a family member…
A patient death has occurred in the OR, and a family member of the patient has asked the ST about the patient. Which of the following is the best step to take in this situation?
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Which instrument is used to remove cerumen from the external…
Which instrument is used to remove cerumen from the external auditory canal during myringotomy?
Where should the grounding pad be placed on a patient underg…
Where should the grounding pad be placed on a patient undergoing a laparoscopic cholecystectomy who has a right hip prosthesis?
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The parathyroid glands are located ________ to the thyroid g…
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A patient has just been found to have a postsurgical infecti…
A patient has just been found to have a postsurgical infection. Which source is most likely the primary means of infecting this patient?