A cover crop is usually grown for the purpose of ________.
Author: Anonymous
In order for nitrate to form from soil organic matter, _____…
In order for nitrate to form from soil organic matter, ________ must be present in the soil.
Given the information in the table, calculate the Base Satur…
Given the information in the table, calculate the Base Saturation of this soil 1 Kg of soil contains 5 cmolec as Ca2+ 2 cmolec as Mg2+ 3 cmolec as K+ 1 cmolec as Na+ 1 cmolec as Al3+ 1 cmolec as H+
The natural microbial oxidation of nitrogen released by orga…
The natural microbial oxidation of nitrogen released by organic matter mineralization is a major source of soil acidity.
Fungal hyphae have an important influence on soil structure…
Fungal hyphae have an important influence on soil structure because they ________.
Soil, like concrete and steel, is a standard construction ma…
Soil, like concrete and steel, is a standard construction material. Its properties are well characterized and predictable so that standard building foundation designs can be used uniformly at all building sites of a given topography.
An alkaline soil contains 30% clay and 0.5% humus. If the pu…
An alkaline soil contains 30% clay and 0.5% humus. If the pure clay has a CEC of 40 cmolc/kg and the humus 200 cmolc/kg, calculate the CEC/kg of the soil.
In acid soils the principal chemical form of phosphorus avai…
In acid soils the principal chemical form of phosphorus available for plant uptake is ________.
Losses from the soil primarily affect the soil profile throu…
Losses from the soil primarily affect the soil profile through
Find the amount of limestone (CaCO3 equivalent = 92) needed…
Find the amount of limestone (CaCO3 equivalent = 92) needed to neutralize the same amount of acidity as 2 tons of burned lime with a CaO equilvalent of 90. (M.W. CaCO3 = 100g, M.W. CaO = 56g)