Complete the following code snippet, which is intended to be…

Complete the following code snippet, which is intended to be a recursive method that will find the sum of all elements in an array of double values from the beginning of the array to index: // return the sum of all elements in arr[] public static double findSum(double arr[], int index) { if (index == 0) { _____________________ } else { return (arr[index] + findSum(arr, index – 1)); } } Assume that this method would be called using an existing array named myArray as follows: findSum(myArray,myArray.length – 1);

Consider the permutations method from the textbook, which is…

Consider the permutations method from the textbook, which is intended to return all permutations of the word passed in as a parameter. What special cases for the simplest values are used by the permutations method to terminate the recursion? public static ArrayList permutations(String word) { ArrayList result = new ArrayList(); if (word.length() == 0) // line #1 { result.add(word); // line #2 return result; // line #3 } else { for (int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++) // line #4 { String shorter = word.substring(0, i) + word(substring(i + 1); // line #5 ArrayList shorterPermutations = permutations(shorter); // line #6 for (String s : shorterPermutations) // line #7 { result.add(word.charAt(i) + s); // line #8 } } return result; // line #9 } }

Consider the permutations method from the textbook, which is…

Consider the permutations method from the textbook, which is intended to return all permutations of the word passed in as a parameter. How does the permutations method simplify its input for the recursive call? public static ArrayList permutations(String word) { ArrayList result = new ArrayList(); if (word.length() == 0) // line #1 { result.add(word); // line #2 return result; // line #3 } else { for (int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++) // line #4 { String shorter = word.substring(0, i) + word(substring(i + 1); // line #5 ArrayList shorterPermutations = permutations(shorter); // line #6 for (String s : shorterPermutations) // line #7 { result.add(word.charAt(i) + s); // line #8 } } return result; // line #9 } }

Which of the following arrays can be used in a call to the A…

Which of the following arrays can be used in a call to the Arrays.sort method? I     Any array with primitive numeric data, such as int, double, … II    Arrays of String or numeric wrapper classes like, Integer, Double, … III   Any class that implements the Comparable interface

Consider the permutations method from the textbook, which is…

Consider the permutations method from the textbook, which is intended to return all permutations of the word passed in as a parameter. What special cases for the simplest values are used by the permutations method to terminate the recursion? public static ArrayList permutations(String word) { ArrayList result = new ArrayList(); if (word.length() == 0) // line #1 { result.add(word); // line #2 return result; // line #3 } else { for (int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++) // line #4 { String shorter = word.substring(0, i) + word(substring(i + 1); // line #5 ArrayList shorterPermutations = permutations(shorter); // line #6 for (String s : shorterPermutations) // line #7 { result.add(word.charAt(i) + s); // line #8 } } return result; // line #9 } }