What reserved word in a method definition ensures that subclasses cannot override the method?
Author: Anonymous
Consider the following code snippet: public class Coin { pr…
Consider the following code snippet: public class Coin { private String name; . . . public boolean equals(Object otherCoin) { return name.equals(otherCoin.name); } . . . } What is wrong with this code?
Consider the code snippet shown below: Stack words1 = new S…
Consider the code snippet shown below: Stack words1 = new Stack(); Stack words2 = new Stack(); words1.push(“abc”); words1.push(“def”); words1.push(“ghi”); while (!words1.empty()) { words2.push(words1.pop()); } while (!words2.empty()) { System.out.print(words2.pop()); } What will be printed when this code is executed?
Consider the code snippet shown below: Stack words1 = new S…
Consider the code snippet shown below: Stack words1 = new Stack(); Stack words2 = new Stack(); words1.push(“abc”); words1.push(“def”); words1.push(“ghi”); while (!words1.empty()) { words2.push(words1.pop()); } while (!words2.empty()) { System.out.print(words2.pop()); } What will be printed when this code is executed?
Which of the following statements about superclasses and sub…
Which of the following statements about superclasses and subclasses is true?
Consider the following code snippet: Vehicle aVehicle = new…
Consider the following code snippet: Vehicle aVehicle = new Auto(); aVehicle.moveForward(200); Assume that the Auto class inherits from the Vehicle class, and both classes have an implementation of the moveForward method with the same set of parameters and the same return type. What determines which class’s moveForward method is to be executed?
Consider the following code snippet: public static void sort…
Consider the following code snippet: public static void sort(int[] a) { for (int i = 1; i < a.length; i++) { int next = a[i]; int j = i; while (j > 0 && a[j – 1] > next) { a[j] = a[j – 1]; j–; } a[j] = next; } } What sort algorithm is used in this code?
Consider the definition of the Measurable interface and the…
Consider the definition of the Measurable interface and the code snippet defining the Inventory class: public interface Measurable { double getMeasure(); } public class Inventory implements Measurable { . . . public double getMeasure() { return onHandCount; } } Why is it necessary to declare getMeasure as public in the Inventory class?
Consider the following code snippet: Map scores; If you need…
Consider the following code snippet: Map scores; If you need to visit the keys in sorted order, which of the following statements will create a structure to support this?
Complete the code fragment below, which is designed to throw…
Complete the code fragment below, which is designed to throw an exception if String variable accountNumber has more than seven characters. if (accountNumber.length() > 7) { ___________________________________________ }