Crucifixion was used both as a means of execution and for exposing an executed body to shame and _______________.
Author: Anonymous
The day after Jesus cleansed the Temple, the chief priests a…
The day after Jesus cleansed the Temple, the chief priests and elders challenged him asking, “__________________ are you doing these things?”
Very early on, Christians began worshipping on the first day…
Very early on, Christians began worshipping on the first day of the week, the Lord’s Day. What could account for the change from the Sabbath to Sunday except for the belief that ____________ on Sunday after the crucifixion.
Very early on, Christians began worshipping on the first day…
Very early on, Christians began worshipping on the first day of the week, the Lord’s Day. What could account for the change from the Sabbath to Sunday except for the belief that ____________ on Sunday after the crucifixion.
When Jesus sent his disciples into a village near Jerusalem…
When Jesus sent his disciples into a village near Jerusalem to get a colt, Luke records his instructions in case someone asked why they were taking it, they were to say ____________.
The first principle in interpreting the parables is to inter…
The first principle in interpreting the parables is to interpret the parable in the context of _______________.
When Jesus sent his disciples into a village near Jerusalem…
When Jesus sent his disciples into a village near Jerusalem to get a colt, Luke records his instructions in case someone asked why they were taking it, they were to say ____________.
William Wrede in “The Messianic Secret” concluded that the h…
William Wrede in “The Messianic Secret” concluded that the historical Jesus never claimed to be _______.
Some have suggested from his desert lifestyle that John the…
Some have suggested from his desert lifestyle that John the Baptist may have had contact with the monastic community at _________________.
The term “disciple” means _____________ and is sometimes use…
The term “disciple” means _____________ and is sometimes used of all who followed Jesus.